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Wake Up To Spring - a day of Yoga, juicing, lunch, treatments and being together!

And Spring arose on the garden fair,

Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere; And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast

rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.

—Percy Bysshe Shelley

Sunday 24th April: a morning of both dynamic and restorative Yoga with some time to set inspiring habits. We will use laughter, mindfulness, breath to bloom into a sunny, joyful and positive spring and open our hearts to our full potential. Followed by juices, lunch, treatments and more!

9.30 am - 12 pm: Yoga practice

12 - 1 pm: spring juices and time to chat

1 - 2 pm: picnic / bbq lunch cooked for us by the chef at Old Park Hall

2 pm onwards: spa and treatments for extra cost (at members' price!)

Please note that children and partners can join us for lunch!!

Yoga and juices £28 / Yoga, juices and lunch £38 / Lunch £12 adults, £5 children

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