Welcome to the New Year!
“Recognize that you have the courage within you to fulfill the purpose of your birth. Summon forth the power of your inner courage and live the life of your dreams.”– Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
Hello everyone
I hope you have eased yourself nicely and happily into the new year.
We had a lovely and fairly mellow workshop on Sunday and I plan to do more in 2018 since this one was so popular and since I have now found a new warm and convenient location for us to get together.
The theme we are starting the year with is EASE.
We are going to look at letting go, seeing things differently and being at ease. Yoga helps us to shed old ways of seeing things. I would like us to work on seeing our practice as an opportunity to let go of struggles, of striving, achieving, getting it right, having it all, balancing everything... as an opportunity to make room for a new way of seeing and a new way of being. For this, we are going to work towards handstand as this pose is a great chance to allow us to turn our world upside down to develop new perspectives.
Thinking about ease, I want us to focus on letting go of struggles. We always seem to be struggling to manage everything on our to do list: kids, house, work, paperwork, … Everything becomes a chore: not just the the laundry or tax return, but also things which should be enjoyable, like taking the dog for a walk or going to the gym or playing with the kids... But we do this on the mat too. We strive so much to achieve the correct posture, that we go at it with desperation!
So our question is going to be: how to bring ease into our practice and life? If our practice or a pose is challenging, let's not stress, let's not become desperate to do it or get it right, let's not struggle and strive: approach the posture playfully and with ease, allow yourself the time and space to find your way into it, to find your own expression of the posture or the practice
We are also working on creating of vision for the new year which is not about making impossible resolutions but it's about celebrating the ways in which we already are amazing and manifesting with more ease all that is positive!
I hope to see you all on the mat soon.
Just a reminder that I am only teaching two classes now:
Monday 6.45 pm: Slow Flow / Restorative Yoga at the Pippins Centre (two drop in places available)
Thursday 9.15 am: Fast Flow / Dynamic Yoga at The Guildhall
As part of my intention to bring more ease into my own life, I am going to be more organised about Yoga and I have set up a Paypal account for payments.
These will be £10 on the day or £8 if paid in advance at the beginning of the month.
You can bring cash or cheque on the first class of the month, or you can pay directly into my Paypal account: paypal.me/BarbaraMella Alternatively, I can give you my bank details.
Please count how many sessions there will be on that particular month x £8.
Thank you
Please pay for the class on the day. You can use either cash or cheque , or you can pay directly into my Paypal account: paypal.me/BarbaraMella Alternatively, I can give you my bank details.
If you cancel within 48 hours, you will be charged half of the amount.
If you cancel within 24 hours, you will be charge the full amount.
If you need to reschedule, I will try to accommodate you within that week and then we go back to our regular schedule the following week.